Ski information
Where it is
Local activities
Resort web sites
Price & availability
Terms & conditions
Visitors' book
How to contact us

To book or for further enquiries please send an email to : james.flett@ec.europa.eu (you should receive a prompt reply). We would prefer an email, but if you need an immediate response, or for some reason do not get a response by email, you can call +32 (0)498 96 65 80 (GSM) or + 32 (0)2 343 6431 (evenings and weekends).

We rely on "word of mouth" for the link to this web site to be passed on from one person to another by email. In that way, the farm is mostly used by family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, friends of friends, etc. In any event, however you found out about the farm, in your email please remind us of (or tell us) your name and where you are based, and how you heard about the farm.